张晓玲,香港城市大学副教授(Tenured, 终身教职),博士生导师。2010年博士毕业于香港理工大学,并于2011年执教于香港大学,后加入香港城市大学。目前,兼任SCI期刊Journal of Cleaner Production的主题编辑,以及多个SCI/SSCI 国际期刊的编委和审稿专家。作为一个具有经管学科背景的工学博士学者,她注重学科交融与跨学科研究探索,力图在环境管理科学研究创新的同时,探索其相关政策及社会学意义,并研究应用推广的政策,主要研究方向为大数据视角下的可持续发展科学,区域可持续发展与转型,能源经济及管理策略等。已在Scientific Report等国际学术期刊上发表SCI/SSCI论文120余篇。获香港城市大学校长嘉许奖(President Award)和青年杰出研究学者奖(Outstanding Research Award for Junior Faculty),曾应邀赴剑桥大学等海内外多所知名高校访问交流。
The green management research field draws upon scholarly attempts from multiple academic corners, e.g. to rethink the interactions between nature and society, between the global and the local, and between technology and human being, etc. It is therefore important to raise the fundamental questions regarding what the field of green management is meant, how it is practiced, and how it should be pursued in future. Moreover, how is green management challenged? In what ways? Under what conditions? Locally and globally?