张吉,男,现为澳大利亚南昆士兰大学信息技术副教授/Reader (相当于美国大学系统中的正教授),终身教授职位,博士生导师,南昆士兰大学计算机科学学术带头人,南昆士兰大学信息技术中心首席研究顾问(兼),IEEE高级会员,澳大利亚奋进学者,昆士兰学者,加拿大Killam学者,澳大利亚自然科学基金研究项目评审委员,美国密歇根州立大学和新加坡南洋理工大学访问客座教授。
The Internet of Things (IoT), like Big Data, has transitioned from marketing term to valuable technology, and has started to play an increasingly important role in many important applications nowadays in our life. In this talk, he will cover the history, development and key enabling techniques of IoT. He will also present some of the recent research projects and results of our team in big data analytics in IOT including outlier detection in large streaming data and IoT-enabled telehealth informatics.